Spotlight On – Peter Li



What type of photography are you shooting and what motivated you to focus on that genre?


What has been your biggest achievement or obstacle along the way?

One of the biggest challenges is to photograph a space completely empty, and often it’s the hardest thing to do, so to prep for the best conditions I try to plan my visits on the days that are least busy, and getting up early to be the first person there. In London, interiors can be tricky because often they would not allow the use of tripods. But on the positive side, photographing around London I had trained myself to have a steady hand for a slow shutter exposure.

Who and/or what inspires you most?

I often look for inspiration from paintings, movies and games. I started gaming from a very young age, and I think it has impacted my photography more so than any other art form.

What is your approach?

Is there anything in particular you try to achieve during a shoot (for example triggering certain feelings, etc.) or are there any specific techniques you use?

我的工作坐在现实主义和幻想之间。大教堂或音乐剧院等历史建筑往往让人想起我们的历史 - 他们本质上是永恒的,在许多方面,其他世界。

与垂直全景摄影(Vertorama), we are able to observe a three-dimensional space in its entirety, giving us a view/perspective beyond what the eye can see. It breaks us from reality, plays with our perception of shape and form and creates a sense of another world.


Why is accurate color important within your workflow?

I print my work regularly, colour accuracy is very important, having a screen that could accurately render the colours will make the process much easier to manage. The subtle tonal difference of an image can convey a very different mood / message.

Any tips or advice for photographers just beginning their career?

Even though my main body of work are architectural centric, I enjoy photographing cityscapes and street photography. Panorama are something I learnt through shooting landscapes. The techniques we learn from other photography genres can apply anywhere, I think experimenting with various forms of photography will keep us evolving and be creative.

Peter is calibrating his monitor with aspyderx精英

About the Author – Peter Li




Articles from Peter Li