
颜色是我们的一种方式了解并导航我们周围的世界。那些使用颜色工作的人需要了解我们如何看待和描述颜色,如何样本颜色,以及如何确保商业生产中的一致色彩。这是我们在我们的广泛覆盖的主题five-part e-book on the fundamentals of color and color measurement

以下是八个概念,可以理解任何颜色的人都能理解。在我们的电子书中,这些和更多 - 在我们的电子书中进行了广泛的涵盖。

  1. 颜色和外观不一样


  1. 颜色是我们眼睛和大脑的函数


物体的颜色取决于他们如何吸收and reflect light rays. But ultimately, the color we see is subjective, determined by our own eyes and brain. Various environmental and biological factors can subtly affect our color perception. We’ve discussed these in a series of blog posts:


  1. We classify colors according to common characteristics



  • 主导颜色(色调)
  • Intensity of the color (chroma)
  • Lightness of the color (lightness)

从这些属性来看,已经开发了许多分类系统来定义和组织可见光谱。最早之一,Munsell Color Atlas, was published in 1915 and is still in use, along with several other specialized systems.

  1. 颜色一致性意味着质量



  1. Colorimetry quantifies color measurement


  • A light source
  • 一个东西
  • 观察者

To match and reproduce colors accurately, these physical factors need to be described numerically. That exercise is the science of colorimetry.

To scientifically describe color, the light source must be standardized in order to be reproducible. The characteristics of the object need to be measured as reflectance and transmittance curves. And the length of red, green, and blue light waves that reach the eye differentiates shades of color.

Datacolor spectrophotometers and accompanying color control software help users measure colors objectively.

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  1. Delta E is used to determine “acceptable colors”

While color consistency is a quality indicator,颜色需要匹配的程度是一个商业决策。In many industries, consumers expect visually perfect color matching—especially with high-end products. For example, they might describe color differences as defects in an automobile interior or luxury item that might be acceptable in less expensive goods.

在CIE Lab颜色空间中,两种颜色之间的偏差被描述为DE,或DELTA E.它可以用标准和样本的LCH或LAB颜色坐标值计算。但数学差异与人类感知不完全对齐。我们首先看到阴影的差异,然后是色度,最后在轻盈。

书四个our new eBook系列演示了用于确定颜色差异并详细讨论颜色公差的公式。

  1. 两种类型的仪器用于测量颜色


  • TiStimulus Colorimeters.
    These simple, relatively inexpensive instruments provide tristimulus value for one light and one observer condition. They’re often used for quality control purposes, but can’t be used to calculate color formulas.
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    These instruments measure light reflected or transmitted across the visible spectrum and compare it to reference samples. They provide spectral data that can be used to calculate tristimulus values for various conditions and calculate color recipes for commercial color matching.


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  1. 适当的样品制备至关重要

No matter what instrument you use, your samples must be properly prepared for measurements to be accurate. Measurements need to be consistent and reproducible. This requires that every possible variable in the process be controlled.

Develop and document your procedures. Be sure samples are representative and absolutely clean. Try to maintain consistent temperature, lighting, and humidity. Certain types of samples,如纺织品, can present special challenges.

Take advantage of Datacolor’s expertise. To learn more about these concepts and others, download our free颜色管理电子书


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