
Maintaining consistent colors across the supply chain demands a strong line of defense across the supply chain… not to mention a strong understanding of the impact of light sources on color evaluation. Given the视觉色彩评价的主观性那it’s no surprise that lighting sources are a major bottleneck on the road to color consistency.


The likely culprit? Using an incorrect light source can result in unpredictable color variations in the end product. Inconsistent light sources can impact the color consistency of your final product.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • An overview of color temperature
  • 不同的光源可用于颜色评估
  • 不同类型的颜色波动
  • How to implement a new light source while accounting for color evaluation
  • And more

The impact of color temperature on lighting

虽然照明选择跨越无数的品牌和模型,但一个常见的线程将它们绑在一起:色温。以凯尔文(例如6,500 k)表示,色温是普遍测量,将照明成相似的颜色家庭。光源的色温越低,源头的较温暖或较红。色温越高,它将是较高的色温,冷却器或布鲁。

Note that fluorescent lights were historically assigned generic names instead of color temperatures. Today, fluorescent lights also have a corresponding color temperature. The chart below indicates the color temperature associated with each type of fluorescent light.

姓名 色温
CWF(CIE F02) 4,150 K.
WWF, TL83, U30 3,000 k
TL84 (CIE F11) 4,100 K
TL835, SPX35, U35 3,500 K

What you need to know about light energy



当电力是通过一个钨丝发光ed through it. The downside? It generates a lot of wasted energy, so tungsten filament is less common in today’s market. Also in the incandescent category are quartz halogen lamps. Specially formulated to give a more uniform output over time, quartz halogen lamps are used when a yellowish to red source is required.

LED lights & Evaluating Flare






Although not visible to the human eye, ultra-violet (UV) light energy is present in natural daylight. UV energy is used to catalyze optical brightening agents (OBAs) and fluorescent dyes and pigments within a sample, causing them to emit visible light. This phenomenon makes white materials appear whiter and brighter than they would without the OBAs, while fluorescent colors exhibit the classic neon affect.

Things to consider when working with a new light source

照明的选择产生重大影响color consistency, product quality and brand perception. Understanding the impact of a new light source is key to choosing a solution that will maintain color consistency across the supply chain and result in an accurate finished product.

It is vital to consider the impact any change in light source will have on the perceived color of your company’s standards and existing products. Color fluctuations fall into two categories:

Flare– A change in the color of a material when it is viewed under different light sources.

Metamerism– Occurs when two samples match under one lighting condition, but no longer match under another lighting condition.

Noticeable variations in flare or metamerism may be perceived differently, depending on who is conducting the evaluation. That’s why it’s crucial to engage key stakeholders in the lighting selection process. While these people will vary depending on your industry and company, here are some potential stakeholders for a textile brand:


A new light source can alter the designer’s color selection and impact the overall aesthetic of the final product. Input from the design team is essential to preserving the integrity of the original vision.


The seasonal color palette must be evaluated in the new light source to ensure that individual colors do not flare in an unacceptable direction.

Color Team

The retail/apparel color team typically is responsible for implementing the global color management workflow, so open communication with color professionals is a prerequisite for success across the supply chain.


A critical factor in color consistency is streamlined standards. It’s critical to ensure that suppliers can match existing and new colors to your company’s standards under the new light source.




Keep the end user in mind. Your light source selection should support a positive customer experience in the retail environment to boost brand perception and sales.

Building a Plan: How to implement a new light source


Follow these tips to successfully implement a new light source:

  • 定时确定每个步骤的紧迫性,因此必须在将转换到新光源的转换时,并相应地构建项目时间表。

  • Consider who will be impacted by the transition to a new light source, and identify how their specific concerns will be incorporated into the evaluation and transition process.

  • Select a standard CIE illuminant, defined by theInternationale de l'éclairage(International Commission on Illumination), for color development and quality control that matches—as closely as possible—to the light source used in the environment where the products will be sold.

  • 装备公司内的轻型展位,以及带有匹配光源的供应链。

  • 确保匹配的光源数据在公司内的颜色管理软件和供应链中提供。

  • 在实施新光源之前,聘请关键利益相关者对火炬和元体的影响。

The Road to Implementation: Choosing an approach that works for your business

Your key stakeholders are aligned; now it’s time to implement one of the following approaches:

  • 如果您的产品将在店内销售,请挑选光源,用于储存光源与店内光源相同,并要求供应商和供应商使用。这可能会促使更复杂的颜色开发过程和使用附加设备。

  • Pick a light source that is as close as possible to the one being replaced, then continue using the original light source for color development. No additional color development work is required, but it may be difficult to find a new light source that matches the original.

  • Adjust color standards to minimize flare. Changing dyes can produce color constant standards that will look the same regardless of light source, but a significant amount of color development re-work may be needed.

The Final Stop: Following industry standards to ensure accuracy

Even the most well-defined plan requires a commitment to accuracy and repeatability. Industry standards for color viewing booths have been established for color quality, light intensity, evenness of illumination, viewing/illumination geometry, and surrounding conditions. Differences in any of these conditions may affect color appearance and result in inaccurate color quality decisions. The best way to ensure accuracy and repeatability when evaluating color samples is to use a color viewing booth that meets industry specifications.

For more ideas on implementing the right lighting source and to explore our comprehensive suite of color management software, instruments and services,connect with a Datacolor specialist today