Richard Peters – Friends with Vision/Datacolor Expert

Richard Peters Photography

Personal Bio:

Richard is a UK based wildlife photographer and Nikon Ambassador alumni best known for a style that often favours dramatic light. His work has received numerous accolades, including being one of the only British wildlife photographers to be named the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, alongside winning several awards in the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

Shadow WalkerShadow Walker - The idea for this image came during a year long project I was undertaking in my garden. During part of this time there was no security light and so I used to shine a torch into the garden at night. One night in doing so, a fox walked out from behind the shed and cast its light on the wall. As soon as I saw the shadow I knew it would make a good photo. It wasn't until 6 months later that all the elements I needed to capture this in a photo came together. The fox in the perfect pose, in the right place that the shadow could be seen but not the fox itself, a clear night to show the stars and little to no moon to burn the sky out too much. This image went on to be the overall winner for European Wildlife Photographer of the Year and the Urban category winner of Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Raining StarsRaining Stars - The idea for this frame was simple. I wanted to create a rim-lit fox silhouette. On the first night the image worked well but the vast empty areas of the frame were a little distracting. Over the following nights rain was forecast and so I tried attempted the image again, this time with the single off camera flash illuminating the falling rain as well as the fox. Pelican LineupPelican Lineup - A decidedly grey and murky day on Lake Kerkini prompted me to emphasis the low light to add some drama and impact to the scene. I used a diffused off camera flash to cast some light back onto the foreground birds in order to allow them to pop from the scene. Leopard CubLeopard Cub - Taken in the Maasai Mara, this leopard cub walked through the rapidly rising sun. The warm side light casting a perfect illumination of the head and chest, contrasting against the darker body that was thrown into shade.

Richard regularly writes articles for the UK’s photographic press, has been on the judging panel for national and international photographic competitions, holds talks about his work and exhibits his work, which has included a collaboration with the WWF UK. Additionally, he donates images to conservation organisations for various projects such as the Born Free Foundation, the Jane Goodall Institute, and the Remembering Wildlife book series.

他进一步photography, Richard runs workshops and one-to-one’s in the UK and abroad, teaching and helping other photographers of all abilities to further their own knowledge.

Photography Type:

Wildlife photography encompassing everything from traditional telephoto to wide angle and camera trapping. Whichever method is used, the emphasis in each photo is typically to achieve a visually striking image over priority of the type of subject within.

