Bezema Laboratory Services Utilizes State-of-the-Art Laboratory Dyeing Technology from Datacolor®

SERVICE is our top priority

Datacolor Case Studies Bezema Constant innovation, customer-oriented product development and outstanding service to its clients are vital components of BEZEMA AG. To ensure the best possible results, consulting and application-oriented services are top priorities. Like no other company in the field, Bezema is committed to the development of individual solutions for its customers, and its highly qualified employees take advantage of state-of-the-art laboratory dyeing equipment from Datacolor. As part of the expansion of the laboratory services, it was also necessary to increase the dyeing capacity. During this process, Bezema tested the new AHIBA® IR PRO laboratory dyer; the results were impressive.

Speed, flexibility, reproducibility, and transferability to production are factors of particular importance for laboratory dyers. The equipment must be able to handle high operational loads and frequent conversions on a daily basis. 45,000 colors each year – and rising – speak for themselves. With a throughput of 15-20 dye operations per machine load, the AHIBA laboratory dyers provide the necessary conditions to process these considerable volumes.

“The time and cost pressure in the textile manufacturing industry is enormous,” explains Dr. Jürgen Schmiedl, Head of Research, Services, and Procurement. “Being able to respond to our customers’ orders on a just-in-time basis is one of the challenges that we set for ourselves. The capacities in the service area must meet these requirements.”

Michael Ulmer, Dye Materials Laboratory Services, adds: “Effective customer service requires efficient laboratory equipment. Bezema has many years of experience with AHIBA equipment from Datacolor. They can be used universally and achieve the best possible output of color settings with a high level of precision.”

To meet the growing customer demand for laboratory dyeing, it was necessary to expand capacity further. Currently, a total of 22 AHIBA devices are in use in the Bezema laboratory. The latest addition to the dye laboratory is the new AHIBA IR PRO. Bezema has tested the latest Datacolor dyer and is highly satisfied with the results.

During the test, dyeing operations were repeated using the same recipe and cotton fabric for the sample material. The new (proprietary) dosing technology was used with the dosing chambers. Here, chemicals that are required during the dyeing operation are deposited in a chamber in the lid. The chamber is opened by rotation, immediately releasing the corresponding process chemicals. Both for the standard procedure (opening the dye bombs) and for dyeing using the dosing chambers, the dyeing results were judged to be consistently excellent. The dE value between the individual dye operations represented a very small deviation range below the visibility threshold, i.e., all samples showed excellent reproducibility.

Datacolor Case Studies Bezema
Datacolor Case Studies Bezema

The AHIBA IR PRO is an infrared-heated, water-cooled beaker dyer for textile dyeing laboratories. High temperature accuracy and repeatability at significantly lower power consumption characterize the device. The new modern control system with touch screen IR PRO is intuitive and easy to operate. Sophisticated algorithms and control logic ensure the desired temperature, pre-programmed times can be achieved based on the beaker size and load.

Datacolor AHIBA IR PRO Datacolor Case Studies Bezema AHIBA红外PRO模拟dyei的方方面面ng process in production and optimizes the recipes developed in the laboratory so that they can be transferred to production conditions. The device can dye up to 20 positions and save up to 99 processes. The current temperature of the dye bath is directly measured by a precision PT-100 sensor and guarantees the highest level of temperature accuracy. In addition, the AHIBA IR PRO controls the temperature within less than 1° Celsius with unsurpassed repeatability.

“We found the dyeing results from the tests of AHIBA IR PRO to be excellent,” says Michael Ulmer. “The new control system with touch screen and USB flash drive port for storing and evaluating the dye curves on a PC enhanced the convincing performance of the device. The AHIBA IR PRO is also environmentally friendly. With energy savings of between 20 and 30% over other laboratory dyers, Datacolor devices live up to our demanding environmental goals. All in all, the new AHIBA IR PRO is a top device that fully satisfies the high demands of our laboratory.”

BEZEMA Montlingen AG in Montlingen, Switzerland is a member of the worldwide CHT/BEZEMA Group. The company develops and produces textile dyes and auxiliaries for all areas of textile finishing, textile care, construction chemicals and performance chemicals. As a system provider, Bezema does not offer its customer’s textile auxiliaries and textile dyes off the shelf, but rather integrated solutions, tailored to individual requirements.

Bezema is a highly service-oriented company. Efficient laboratory service and customer-oriented technical service ensure our customers the best use of dyes and textile auxiliaries. As a distributor and competence center for textile dyes, Bezema AG employs over 200 employees worldwide. A presence in all major markets around the world has made CHT/BEZEMA one of the leading manufacturers in the industry. Today, the CHT/BEZEMA Group is active with representatives and distributors in over 50 countries.

More information about AHIBA IR PRO can be obtained from:

Datacolor AG Europe T +41 44 835 37 11
Brandbachstr。10 F + 41 44835 38 35
CH 8305 Dietlikon E
Switzerland I